Thursday, September 6, 2007


Minnow has taken to copying us. She imitates the sounds we make. . .I cough, she coughs, I clear my throat, she clears her throat, you get the picture. The following story is a great example of our little copycat—

I woke up one morning not long ago with a horrible headache and took an Aleve and had a yogurt. I should know better than to take pain medication in the morning as this usually makes me nauseous, but I thought eating the yogurt would help. Muskie Man left for work and I was hanging out with Minnow. I felt nauseous and went to the bathroom to throw up. I kept the door open so I could keep an eye on Minnow as she’s been getting into everything lately. Minnow crawled to the bathroom door and just stared at me. A few minutes after my not-so-nice experience of throwing up, I find Minnow standing by the toilet (the lid was closed, thank goodness, or we would have a whole other story). Minnow was making coughing/throwing up noises, just like I had been doing. Not very lady-like, Little Copycat!

1 comment:

rlheiman said...

Hi! Thank you for letting me read your Little Minnow stories. They're cute! That's such a good way to remember all the little things she does. Love, Laura