So NBC is having America's Favorite Mom show on Mother's Day. This show is going to be hosted by Marie and Donny Os*mond. There are several categories of moms and people got to vote for their favorite in each category. One of the categories was the "non-mom." Those who fell into this category are grandparents raising their grandkids, step-moms and (gasp) adoptive moms. This category has now been changed on the NBC website to "adoptive moms." BUT, it was "non-mom" until earlier on today (Friday). I'm pretty sure that NBC got it's share of emails from us adoptive "non-moms."
I was appalled that NBC could do something so ignorant! Are none of their staffers adoptive parents? I don't usually do this, but I emailed NBC the following comment:
"First of all I think it's great that you are honoring the many different kinds of mom's that make up our world. Thanks!
I would like to address one of the categories, however. This category being the "non-mom" category. As the mom of an adopted child, I find this title disgraceful! Parents of adopted children are no less moms or dads than those that have biological children. I find that not only do I have to work hard raising a child in today's society, but I often have to educate those that do not understand the world of adoption.
My daughter is my daughter, plain and simple, she is not my non-daughter and she certainly doesn't call me non-mommy. She calls me mommy."