Minnow has a favorite, treasured blankie that she sleeps with, goes in the car with, takes on walks, takes pretty much everywhere. It's a small pink "comfort silkie" blankie that was given to us by a teacher at Muskie Man's school when Minnow was an infant.
We thought we lost blankie back in June. Muskie Man had taken Minnow for the evening stroller ride which is part of our daily life. When we were putting her to bed, the blankie was nowhere to be found! Minnow sometimes gets agitated in the stroller and throws the precious item from the stroller. Why she does this is a mystery to us as this is a prized possession. We searched high and low, Muskie Man even went back over the walking route in hopes of finding the missing blankie. We checked the stroller, under beds and furniture, in every nook and cranny of our home--no blankie! Minnow missed her blankie that night and reluctantly accepted another similar one, but it just wasn't the same to her.
I ordered a new blankie just like the missing one. It had to be ordered online and shipped, I couldn't find a local store that carried this exact one. Minnow was very happy to receive her new gift and life went on.

Fast forward a few weeks to our vacation in Michigan. We were out walking with Minnow in the stroller, and I see a blankie peeking out the back of the stroller from behind the cushions. It was the missing blankie! We also found a nuk back there so that must be Minnow's secret hiding place. She must have shoved it behind her in the stroller and with the stroller being folded up a few times while travelling, it worked it's way out.
We now have 2 precious blankies that make our Minnow very happy. She has recently started referring to them as "Blankie" and "More Blankie."