Friday, August 29, 2008

Fishing Fun

We are That Family is hosting a summer vacation carnival with some great prizes. So here's what we've been doing the past few weeks:

Minnow loves to go fishing and spend time on our boat. We have put quite a bit of time on the water here at the end of summer.

Minnow likes to "play" with the fish once they are caught. Who needs toys? Just give the kid a couple of bluegill:
Minnow was done playing with the fish so she got a driving lesson:
A day on the water is not complete unless we go swimming:
Minnow loves to "play" with the little fish, but bigger fish are much more exciting:
At the end of a long day on the water, Minnow is tired from all her adventures and takes a little nap:

We had a fun summer, filled with great memories and we hate to see it come to an end.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Blankie" and "More Blankie"

Minnow has a favorite, treasured blankie that she sleeps with, goes in the car with, takes on walks, takes pretty much everywhere. It's a small pink "comfort silkie" blankie that was given to us by a teacher at Muskie Man's school when Minnow was an infant.

We thought we lost blankie back in June. Muskie Man had taken Minnow for the evening stroller ride which is part of our daily life. When we were putting her to bed, the blankie was nowhere to be found! Minnow sometimes gets agitated in the stroller and throws the precious item from the stroller. Why she does this is a mystery to us as this is a prized possession. We searched high and low, Muskie Man even went back over the walking route in hopes of finding the missing blankie. We checked the stroller, under beds and furniture, in every nook and cranny of our home--no blankie! Minnow missed her blankie that night and reluctantly accepted another similar one, but it just wasn't the same to her.

I ordered a new blankie just like the missing one. It had to be ordered online and shipped, I couldn't find a local store that carried this exact one. Minnow was very happy to receive her new gift and life went on.
Fast forward a few weeks to our vacation in Michigan. We were out walking with Minnow in the stroller, and I see a blankie peeking out the back of the stroller from behind the cushions. It was the missing blankie! We also found a nuk back there so that must be Minnow's secret hiding place. She must have shoved it behind her in the stroller and with the stroller being folded up a few times while travelling, it worked it's way out.

We now have 2 precious blankies that make our Minnow very happy. She has recently started referring to them as "Blankie" and "More Blankie."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Minnow!

Minnow celebrated her 2nd birthday on August 14. We're a few days late in the happy wishes because we were Up North again for a vacation. We celebrated Minnow's 1st birthday Up North so we thought we'd keep the streak going this year. We stayed at my brother's home in the Northwoods. His family was on a vacation of their own, so we used their home, thanks big bro!

We spent Minnow's special day on our boat. We fished, swam, ate a delicious lunch at a restaurant on the water, and just had a fun family time. Minnow caught her first fish and realized that she likes to play with the fish, she even kissed the fish.

It was a wonderful day, one that will be a great memory for all of us. We love you, Minnow, and can't believe it was just 2 short years ago that we were on a plane, flying to meet you on your day of birth. We can't imagine our family without you.

Giving Daddy a big hug before leaving for the birthday outing:

Swimming in the lake after a delicious lunch:

Concentrating on catching her first fish!
Admiring her catch:
Kissing a fish:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Language Explosion!

We've been having a language explosion around here for the past month or two. Minnow's vocabulary has been just exploding. Sometimes we have to try very hard to translate what is being said, but for the most part, we figure it out. It is so nice that she can verbalize what she wants instead of just grunting and pointing.

She repeats what we say and understands if we give her simple commands. It is so fun to watch her grow in to this funny, interesting little person.

One of my favorite phrases is "I want a W*ii" She watched my nieces and nephews play the W*ii on our vacation in June and loves this thing. She cheers for them as they play and also wants to participate in Gui*tar Hero. Several of our friends have the game too, so she can watch it at their homes.

The first time she asked me for one, I told her to ask her daddy. He was out in the garage and came in about 15 minutes later. She ran up to him and looked up (she comes up to his knee) and said, "I want a W*ii." It was priceless! What is she going to ask for next, a pony?! I don't think we will be getting a W*ii any time soon, but she can enjoy the games at other people's homes.

And the Winner is. . .

After a long wait, sorry commenters for making you wait, the winner (as randomly chose by Muskie Man) is dani, the last commenter for the contest!

I'll contact you via email. Thanks to all who participated in my bloggy giveaway!