This week I did not bribe Minnow with suckers so she would sit in her stroller as we visited Cabelas.
I did not bribe her with suckers so I could make some business-related phone calls. What kind of parent gives their kid 2 suckers in a span of about an hour?--not me!
We did not keep Minnow up until 11:30 on Friday night while we were hanging out with friends. What kind of parents do that? Not us!
Minnow did not have fun playing the W*ii until 11:30 at our friends' house.
I did not just take the Christmas tree lights off yesterday, a month after Christmas.
I did not call Muskie Man while he was out running errands and ask him to bring home a new play-doh set because I am getting bored with what we have. He did not come home with an Undersea Adventure play-doh set. I did not have fun playing with it.
I did not find Minnow on top of our breakfast bar eating a chocolate Santa after taking my eyes off her for .3 seconds! Time to move the stools away from the breakfast bar.
I did not let her keep eating the above referenced Santa so I could take a picture: