Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heard on the Way to a Playdate

We were driving to a playdate the other day and I was telling Minnow where we were going. "We're going to Collin's house to play," I said.

She responded from the backseat: "Play nice?"

"Yes, play nice," I said.

"Share?" she responded.

"Yes, share please." I replied.

At this point, I am smiling to myself, I'm getting through to her I'm thinking. I feel like I'm raising a nice little girl who will play nicely with others, I'm feeling kind of good about this. Until. . .

The next thing I hear from the little voice in the back seat is: "Push?"

I guess I have a few more playdate lessons to teach.

1 comment:

Kirsten and Cory said...

that cracked me up! I wish I could have heard her little voice actually say it. Did you laugh?