My mom visited us last week and watched Minnow so I could work my Matilda Jane business. It was so nice to have her around and Minnow had a great time with her "Gwandma." My mom had a wonderful idea of how to get Minnow to listen, especially at naptime and bedtime. Naps and bedtime have been a struggle lately. She is the master manipulator and she stalls. "I want more grapes," "I have to go potty," and it goes on and on.
My mom, the wise lady that she is (and experienced after raising 4 kids), bought a timer. She set the timer for 5 minutes and told Minnow that when the bell rings it's naptime. Minnow was not a fan of the timer, and voiced this to my mom, but she obeyed.
The timer remained behind, but when I tried to use it yesterday, Minnow said, "that's not yours, it's Gwandma's" I told her that Grandma said I could use it. She actually asked for the timer today, I set it, told her that when the bell rang it was nap time. It rang, and she trotted off to her room for naptime. Thanks Gwandma for your help and wisdom! We love you!
what a great idea!!!! Gwandma's are pretty smart...
Grandmas are the BEST!!!
can Gwandma come to my house?? haha!
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