Monday, November 19, 2007

Check your information

Muskie Man is the principal at our local high school. He has been getting strange emails for the past few days from random people around the country. Apparently there is a school in another state (not near us) with the same name as his school. This school has had a little bit of a cheerleading scandal--something involving suspension for inappropriate dancing. Here are a few examples of the weird emails that people actually take time to send--and then send them to the wrong person!

This one is titled: "Mean School"
Suspending those Cheerleaders is are punishing them for being inventive and using a little was all in fun and hurt no far as showing anything you can go to any Mall in the summertime or the local beach and see much more than that...sounds like a mean place to go to hurt a lot of people for no real reason only intoxicated with your own power and like to play gottcha...too bad...... Ron

Here is another email:
Get a life, gentlemen. There was no harm here. Unbelievable.

Here is Muskie Man's response to these emails:
I am the principal of ________ in (our state). We have received several communications on this issue and understand this to be a story from ______ High School in (other state)--not (our state). If you still feel the need to express your opinion and related feelings, perhaps you want to check your contact information and contact the appropriate people--in the correct state.

On a different note, have an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

For the record, Ron from the "Mean School" email responded back to Muskie Man with this:
You made my day...sorry for getting the wrong guy..(school) have a great sense of dont need a "mean" letter...Ron

The world of email is tricky--this guy got Muskie Man's sarcasm!

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