Thursday, November 29, 2007

No Longer Itchy

Minnow has recovered from her itchiness. We went to the doctor on Monday and it turns out she is allergic to amoxicillin. So much for the non-allergic rash! Her ear looked better so we were instructed to stop the antibiotic and give her Zyrtec. She is much better.

She is back to her regular old self--smiley and into everything. Her new thing is wearing sunglasses around the house. She wants me to put them on, walks around for a while, takes them off and wants them back on again. This is how I spend my days--I love it!
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1 comment:

Mandy said...

Yup Asha is all about the sunglasses too. She likes them on and then can't figure out how to put them back on once she takes them off so we play the on/off game too. She also likes to put them on her bears. Isn't it the best though?!!!!