Monday, April 14, 2008

Out of Hibernation

Our town has come out of hibernation. It was 50 degrees and sunny today, so Minnow and I went on a nice walk this afternoon. There were squirrels running all over, birds were singing, other people were out walking their dogs, and moms walking with strollers. Kids were running outside for track practice, others were kicking soccer balls, and you could hear the sound of bats hitting baseballs somewhere in the distance. It was wonderful!

It wasn't the first walk of the season as we have walked several times as a family, all bundled up, but it was the first walk for just the 2 of us. Minnow and I have walked many miles together. Before we became parents, I would see moms walking their children with strollers and couldn't wait until that was me with my child in my stroller. Minnow and I started to walk together as soon as we brought her home. We've worn out the back tires of our jog stroller--gotta get new ones this week.

Minnow used to fall asleep on our walks, but now she looks for dogs, birds and squirrels. She says hi to people as we pass them by. I'm sure down the road, we'll have deep conversations and solve the problems of the world. For now, I'm glad the town has come out of hibernation and that our walks have resumed.

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