Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Minnow had her first hayride and visit to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. We met “the girls” and their families and had a great time. “The girls” are 3 moms who I became friends with from a new mom’s group. We decided we are no longer “new” moms so we kicked ourselves out of the group and now just do things on our own. We also email daily, sharing funny stories, advice and the challenges of being moms. I love “the girls!”

We don’t usually get together with the husbands so this was an extra special outing. The hayride was just that--we rode on a flat bed trailer filled with hay that was being pulled by a tractor. We got dropped off in the woods where there were various animals in pens—animals such as reindeer, goats, donkeys, miniature horses, a lama, an alpaca and a rabbit. (These animals were in separate pens, wouldn’t want the reindeer to step on the rabbit—that could be traumatic for the kids!) We all got a pumpkin to take home and got some great pictures.
It was a fun outing—Minnow loved the animals, especially the reindeer.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That's an adorable picture!! Thanks for posting on my blog!! Where in WI are you located. I'm Central WI. You can e-mail me if you like and let me know. My e-mail is on my blog I think.