Long overdue, here is part 1 of our adoption journey.
I don’t remember the exact date of our diagnosis, I can’t even remember the year right now, must be mommy brain, or maybe I’ve blocked it out. After a few tests and procedures, we got the word that we wouldn’t be able to have biological children without invasive medical procedures, which came with a low success rate. We didn’t even discuss it alot, it just didn’t seem like a good way to spend our money.
So we grieved, each in our own way for quite a while. Muskie Man was ready for adoption before I was. I don’t know what was holding me back, maybe the thought that we would never get to see a baby made by us, with our physical traits. That is probably a good thing,--ha-ha.
I had a discussion with my brother one night. His words stuck with me. He said that it’s not who makes the baby it’s who raises the child. I hate to admit this, but those were wise words and really changed my mind. I started researching agencies in our state and the different programs they offered. We discussed it and decided on international adoption and the Guatemalan program.
We had originally planned on international adoption vs. domestic because we had seen failed matches and the heartache that was caused. My brother, the one with the wise words, and his wife, had gone through 2 failed matches and we saw their heartache up close and personal. My brother and his wife now have 2 sons, biologically, and are a happy little family.
So we went to an informational meeting, got the paperwork, and began the great paper-chase: we got fingerprinted, a couple times; went for physicals; filled out immigration forms; had our homestudy completed; got original birth certificates and marriage certificates; the list goes on and on. We had everything notarized, received the great state seals—and completed our dossier!
I remember talking with a friend as she was asking about our paper-chase progress and I said we weren’t going about it as quickly as some probably do, but it will get done when it’s supposed to. I don’t know what was holding us back, but we see God’s hand in it all.
We handed in our dossier for final review and approval in May of 2006. A few days later I got a call from my brother, the one with the wise words. He doesn’t usually leave a message, but he did this time. He even got a hold of Muskie Man at school--this had to be important. His wife’s cousin had contacted them and was wondering if they knew anyone in their church who was looking to adopt a child who was part Hispanic. (His church is completely Hispanic.) They said they didn’t know anyone in their church but thought of us and got us in touch with my sister-in-law’s cousin.
We didn’t even think twice about pursuing this opportunity, we truly believe that God puts opportunities before you for a reason. So, we whipped up a “dear Expectant Mom” letter, emailed it to the agency who was working with the potential birthmom, N. She got our letter and wanted to meet us. We were guardedly excited but made plans to visit. N was in Colorado so we booked our tickets, hotel and rental car and a few weeks later we were off.
. .
.to be continued